Babies Deliver After Due Date Funny Memes

Need a good laugh to get you through the trials and tribulations of pregnancy? These hilarious pregnancy memes, organized by trimester, are so relatable.

When morning sickness is kicking your butt, you're feeling the pregnancy insomnia while still breastfeeding a toddler, sometimes best thing you can do is kick up your seriously swollen feet and find a little humor in it all. Enter pregnancy memes, the Internet's gift to pregnant women everywhere. These funny images have an important role to play—they show you that you're not alone in this crazy ride we call pregnancy!

First Trimester Pregnancy Memes

  1. So you're experiencing all those weird early signs of pregnancy? This shows you that things really do get better… at least for a little while. ?
    Being Pregnant – First Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  2. Why don't they call it all day sickness? This tells it like it is: Your stomach just isn't here for anything right now. Saltines it is. (Don't forget to try these morning sickness remedies, too.)
    Can't eat because of nausea. Nauseous because I can't eat. Well played, pregnancy. Well played. – First Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  3. So you're telling me that pregnancy weight gain has nothing to do with your insatiable appetite? ?
    I know my baby is going to be an over achiever. I reached my healthy weight gain limit in the first trimester- First Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  4. There's some truth to this excuse. When those pregnancy hormones kick in, mood swings are a very real thing! Im sorry for the unkind words I spoke out of raging pregnancy hormones – First Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  5. If your jeans are bursting at the seams, you're probably starting to wonder: When will I start to show?!
    That awkward phase in pregnancy when people can't tell if you're pregnant or just fat. – First Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  6. Because sometimes pregnancy is a license to eat for two without the guilt—or is it?!
    That Moment You Realize You're Eating for Two on Thanksgiving – First Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  7. It's just Netflix and bed for you these days. Unfortunately, there's no hangover cure for that!
    The first trimester of pregnancy is one long all day hangover. – First Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  8. You can't sleep and you can barely make it past the afternoon slump, but your bladder sure is working hard. The only productive part of me today has been my bladder – First Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  9. When everyone wants to give you advice, but you've tried every morning sickness remedy in the book and nothing works. Why no, I have not tried crackers, ginger, small meals, or sipping water. – First Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  10. There's really only one way to describe the way you feel during the first trimester.
    Tired. Just tired. – First Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural

Second Trimester Pregnancy Memes

  1. I think we're missing the midnight snack here.?
    My daily meals include breakfast brunch lunch pre dinner- Second Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  2. Can't we just stick to the things that really matter right now!?
    Pregnancy what people think I want, what I actually want – Second Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  3. It's all about perspective, people.
    The second trimester is the best – Second Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  4. Play it safe, don't ask—just say she's gorgeous. 😉
    When its okay to ask a woman if she is pregnant – Second Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  5. Boy? Girl? Forget the gender predictors, we're just hoping it's a human. ?
    When people point at my pregnant belly and ask if I know what it's going to be – Second Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  6. When every activity is like running a marathon. You don't know what fatigue is until you've had to reast after taking a shower. – Second Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  7. Just one day at a time, mama! Everybody leave me alone. I've had a busy day being pregnant and need to do it again tomorrow – Second Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  8. Hasn't anyone ever told you? Mamas are the best kinds of superheroes. Growing a baby makes me feel like a superhero. A really tired, weak superhero – Second Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  9. Sometimes the hardest decision to make is what to eat. I want to eat fruit, but the baby wants cake. – Second Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  10. Glowing or not, you're amazing mama! I was told there would be glowing – Second Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural

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Third Trimester Pregnancy Memes

  1. What baby registry? This mama needs a nap! Apparently my nesting instinct was replaced by my mush stronger sit aroud and eat ice cream – Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  2. Yeah, so, turns out someone else is in charge now. Due Date Im coming when I say so – Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  3. I feel pretty, oh so pretty! Enjoying the 3rd Trismester Like Im a beautiful butterfly – Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  4. The struggle is real. How I feel when trying to get outta bed every morning – Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  5. When you go just one day past your due date. I am so ready to have this baby – Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  6. A very cute Chewbacca, if I may add. (Check out these heartburn remedies for relief.)
    If heartburn during pregnancy means you'll have a hairy baby I'm about to give birth to Chewbacca – Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  7. Yep, that's definitely unreachable. I'm pregnant. This morning I told my husband to put the Oreos somewhere I couldn't reach them.. – Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  8. It's not like you were getting any sleep anyway. Pregnancy Dilema – Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  9. Nap whenever, wherever. Third Trimester has me like – napping – Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  10. S-I-M-P-L-E. Trimesters of Pregnancy 1 Sick and Tired 2 Aww baby kicks 3 Get this baby out – Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  11. The test of trust and faith. (Looking for natural induction techniques?) Waiting for this baby is like picking up someone from the airport but you don't know who they – Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural

Fourth Trimester (or Postpartum) Pregnancy Memes

  1. Don't worry, you're not going bald—it only feels like it. (Check out how to grow back your hair here.) Brace Yourselves Postpartum Hair loss is coming _ Postpartum – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  2. Guess where the rest goes?! I gained 50 lbs and the baby weights 7 lbs. Is this new math _ Postpartum – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  3. Let's redefine what a good night's sleep is after giving birth. I slept great last night God a full 40 minutes _ Postpartum – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  4. There's so much resemblance, don't you think? Kate Middleton after giving birth Me after giving birth _ Postpartum – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  5. There's nothing like the love of a mother. Moms.. the only people who know the true meaning of 24 7 _ Postpartum – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  6. Stop the madness! (Seriously, check out how to grow back your hair here.) Postpartum hairloss got me like _ Postpartum – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  7. We're all in this together. When you see another postpartum mom in the hallway right after delivery _ Postpartum – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
  8. Hang in there: It's probably the longest period of your life. When your period shows up at 6 weeks postpartum and you're breastfeeding _ Postpartum – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural
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